Back in May, I wrote a post on steps I had taken to encourage independence in my classroom. Two months on and I’m pleased with the results.
My question cards are a little grubby and dog-eared, but I’m pleased to say they’ve had plenty of use!
I started using them only in review lessons where students definitely had work in their books from recent lessons they could use. Once the students had got used to seeing them, I started using them more in normal lessons.
There were obviously teething problems: students trading question cards for random items in their pencil cases, and others taking question cards from desks when their owners were unaware. But after they had got used to them being around the novelty wore off.
I haven’t heard “I don’t get it” for at least a month. Nor have I have “Miss, can I borrow a pen?” or “Should I copy this?” My students are definitely becoming more independent, resilient and better at thinking for themselves.
We rarely use the question cards anymore as students have got out of the habit of asking these types of questions.
I’m starting at a new school in September and plan on using the question cards again to support students in thinking more independently.