Homework is something I often get asked about. I considered making some homework resources of my own, but when there's already so much good stuff out there, I decided there's really no need.
Below I have collated some of the best resources (in my opinion) that you can use for out-of-classroom tasks for your students.
I love using MathsWatch for homework - it offers online support for students in the form of videos, and is self-marking too. Well worth the sign up fee, as it's really helpful for revision lessons too.
I have recently discovered Pret Homeworks, collated by @mathsjem, but contributed to by around 50 other authors. They offer differentiation and variety, don't take too long to mark either.

@AndyLutwyche has created Clumsy Clive; an amazing set of worksheets that requires students to identify common mistakes that Clive has made in his homework. Great for class discussions!
If you need your students to practise some exam style questions on a particular topic, Corbett Maths and Maths Genie have loads of these. Answers are available to speed up the marking process. Why not get students to peer/self-assess to save you marking time and support them in becoming more familiar with markschemes?
Currently when setting homework (or prep as my current school calls it), I paste the image of a worksheet I have sourced online previously, or something I've made myself, into a template. When marking prep, we must provide a score or percentage, a RAG effort grade, a strength, area for development and follow-up task. To make this as quick as possible, I use a code system very similar to that which I use for marking exit tickets, so it's nowhere near as labour-intensive as it sounds! I also make sure I include the date the prep is due to help students get it in on time.